School uniform is compulsory at our school. All children must wear the school uniform, as agreed by parents in the Home-School Agreement when their child joins our school.
Wearing our school uniform helps children to feel a sense of identity and belonging to our school community.
All of the uniform items listed below are required.
Most school uniform items are available to buy from a company called Price and Buckland. We have chosen Price and Buckland as our school uniform provider of bespoke items because the items are of good quality and are reasonably priced. You can find the Price and Buckland St George's uniform shop here
Some items of school uniform must be bought or loaned from the school office and some items of school uniform may be available second hand from the school office. Please pop in to the office to ask about pre-loved second hand uniform.
School uniform which is available to buy through the Price and Buckland website:
School uniform which is available to buy only from the school office:
School uniform which is available from a range of High Street shops, e.g. John Lewis, M&S, Primark, Asda etc.